Srl carries out investigations and structural controls, in situ operative surveys, diagnostics investigations, non-destructive and load tests providing their technical skills and expertise to professionists, the public administration and private clients. Our team deals with everything concerning civil and industrial diagnostics both of new and already existing buildings whose behaviour and integrity is important to assess, checking the material state of conservation.
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Through its offices, supports and accompanies its customers in various fields of activity, offering a wide range of services.
Investigations on concrete
- Pachometer analysis
- (BS 1881-204)
- Sclerometric test
(UNI EN 12504-2) - Ultrasonic test
(UNI EN 583-1) - Carbonation depth
determination test
(UNI 9944) - Explorative sampling tests
- Pull out Test
(UNI EN 12504-3) - Coring
(UNI EN 12504-1)
Investigations on Wood
- Ultrasonic test
(UNI EN 583-1) - Sclerometric test
(UNI EN 12504-2) - Resistograph© analysis
- Ultrasonic test
Investigations of Masonry
- Sonic test
- Test with single and double flat jack
- Sonic/Ultrasonic test
- Thermographic investigations
- Endoscopic investigations
- GeoRadar test
Investigations on Steel
- Durometer hardness test
- Ultrasonic test
- Magnetic Particle Testing (MT)
- Penetrant liquid testing (PT)
Energy Dispersion
- Thermographic investigations
- Heat-Flux Meter
- Environmental monitoring
Soil Investigations
- Plate load test
- Standard Penetration test
Load Tests
- Monitoring by means of electronic transducers, total stations, inclinometers
Call us for any information or to make an appointment
Phone +39 039 9000682