Special Investigation

Environmental impact assessment, inspections of sites affected by fire, building seismic assessment, hollow brick floor crumbling, roof safety, thermography and GeoRadar.


Professional Services

Land surveys, Energy dispersions, Inspection of structures subjected to fire, seismic vulnerability verification


Technical services

Investigations and Structural Controls on reinforced cements, timber and steel walls, static and dynamic load tests, testing. On-site audits with certified technicians 2nd and 3rd level ISO 9712.


360 degree support

Acoustics, electromagnetism, environmental impact assessment, and total assistance in appraisals and contexts



professionist at your service

ServiziTecnici.it Srl can deal with various difficult issues always providing highly technical, complete and multidisciplinary services both thanks to their experience, their staff’s expertise and to their steady use of innovative equipment keeping up with the evolution of technology. Such services are provided by technicians having 2nd and 3rd level certificates complting to ISO 9712.

Società di servizi

Services for civil and industrial engineering

We particularly focus on technologies and methodologies about “Non-destructive tests”.

We carry out inspections on the building static or dynamic monitoring, architectural and industrial buildings by means of masonry, concrete, steel, wood diagnostics and the control of deep foundations. In addition, geophysical investigations are carried out. ServiziTecnici.it Srl can deal with various difficult issues, always providing highly technical, complete and multidisciplinary services both thanks to their staff’s experience and expertise and to their steady use of innovative equipment keeping up with the evolution of technology. Such services are provided by technicians having 2nd and 3rd level certificates complying to ISO 9712.

The Highly Qualified Consultancy Offered To Our Customers Is The Winning Answer To The Current Market’s Needs.

Thanks to their expertise gained in the field over the years, ServiziTecnici.it Srl guarantees a qualified and professional consultancy in:

  • Soil investigations
  • Roof safety
  • Building seismic assessment
  • Testing and load tests
  • Assistance with experts’ opinions and in disputes
  • Inspections of sites affected by fire
  • Environmental impact assessment
  • Site inspections and monitoring
  • Structural planning
  • Architectural planning
  • Electrical planning
  • Mechanical planning
  • Supervision of projects and testing
  • Safety paperwork according to 81/08 Law
  • Energetic assessment and planning
  • Acoustics planning and tests
  • Investigations on concrete
  • Investigations on wood
  • Investigations of masonry
  • Investigations on steel
  • Energy dispersion
  • Acoustics
  • Electromagnetism
  • Hollow brick floor crumbling

Call us for any information or to make an appointment